Do you remember the first time you were offered a senior discount? I do! And I was totally taken by surprise. First of all I was not a senior, another thing I looked young for my age at that time and my goodness my savings was like .70 cents. Note to sales staff when in doubt don’t ask, if they are a senior and want the discount they will let you know.

But now as I am entering (almost) my 60’s I try to have fun with the perks of aging and embrace the benefits of getting older. I have decided to enjoy the practical side of things – who doesn’t love a good discount?

So why are we, or perhaps mostly me, insulted by being considered a senior. Being labeled a “senior” can feel like being pigeonholed into a stereotype of being old, frail, or less capable, which doesn’t reflect the vibrant lives many women over 50 lead. At almost 50 I felt like I was 40 and at 60 I feel like age is really just a number. Is this denial? Perhaps. But I am choosing to live my life, embrace every day not worry about my number and have fun with the perks of aging.

And surround yourself with positive women-look at how gorgeous my friends are and age defying I might add to.

Why it’s a mixed bag? Positive Reinforcement: some women embrace the discounts as a positive aspect of getting older, a small silver lining. Negative Connotations: others see it as a reminder of aging and the societal implications that come with it, which can feel diminishing.

Balancing Humor and Sensitivity

Understanding both sides helps to navigate these discounts with a sense of humor while also acknowledging the underlying sentiments. Joking about the discounts can be a way to reclaim and redefine what it means to age, celebrating life’s later years rather than lamenting them.

In essence, the funny side lies in the unexpected benefits and the ability to laugh at oneself, while the insult comes from societal attitudes towards aging and the implications that “senior” carries.