Life Happens – Health

For women 50 and over or soon entering this new age range, this is a space for me to share my experiences in midlife with you. Embrace your age, wisdom, and this new chapter with me.

Facing our fears at 50

Or in this case facing MY fears at 50, actually now 60. Turning 50 can be a pivotal moment for many of us, often accompanied by a mix of reflection, fear, and excitement about the future. This stage of life is a time when many women choose to confront their fears and...

Just Say Yes

My word for the year in 2024 was YES. All caps go for it and just say yes. As we journey through life, each decade brings its own set of challenges, triumphs, and lessons. For women over 50, this stage can be particularly transformative. As this is my last year in my...

Your menopausal today is not your menopausal tomorrow

There are so many symptoms of menopause: hot flashes, weight gain, memory loss, body odor, sleepless nights, mood changes... Your story may not be like mine but whatever you are currently struggling with I can guarantee it will change it will get better. I was...

Dang how is is March 1st already?

As I celebrate my milestone year of turning 60 I am continually amazed at how time is speeding up. I mean I felt like my 50's flew right by and now we are already in our third month of the year. Wasn't it a week ago that I was taking down the Christmas tree and then...

How I deal with my claustrophobia

I have been slightly claustrophobic most of my life and like many things as we age it has become a little more pronounced. When I was a child a sleeping bag was my nemesis-I could still sleep in one for camping and slumber parties I just made sure the zipper was...

Activities to Keep Your Brain Sharp

If you follow me you know that menopause really affected me. Lack of sleep lead to embarrassing moments of memory loss. Honestly, I was fearful that I would no longer retain information that affected my day to day life-work, conversations, current events. But then I...

At 50+ I am Just Getting Started

If you follow me you know that I am living a bolder life at 50. Every week I am committed to trying something new-it can be a simple as a new hike or new local restaurant or broader and bolder like traveling alone to a new foreign destination. The reason I created 50...

What does healthy living at 50+ mean to you?

As we start a new year many of us set goals and make resolutions to live a healthier life. And so I ask what does healthy living look like to you? I like to think I have healthy habits but quite honestly I have less than healthy habits too. I believe moderation is the...

Celebrating life at 60, well almost!

Born in 1964. In August of this year I will be celebrating my 60th birthday and all I can say at this point is my goodness how those years flew by. 20, 30 and even 40 not so fast but dang my 50's are on like rocket speed. And I don't say this with sadness I say this...

Embracing Change in 2024

At the year end each year I like to take the time to reflect on the past year and understand what worked what didn't work. What I need to move on from and what I need to embrace and bring forward. Embracing change can be an empowering and fulfilling journey for women...
It’s never too late to live your best life!

It’s never too late to live your best life!

I created 50 is Just a Number to communicate to share and to motivate women on how we can live our best life at 50+. I truly believe it's never too late! That life is a journey filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and personal fulfillment, regardless of...

Post Birthday Thoughts

Post Birthday Thoughts

This past weekend I celebrated my 59th birthday, my last year in my 50's. And with every birthday I spend some time reflecting on the past, gratitude for all that I have been blessed with-my health, my son, my family's health, friendships, travel -life! And what it...

How do you stay fit at 50+?

How do you stay fit at 50+?

Staying fit and engaging in physical activities are important for women over 50 to maintain overall health, well-being, and independence. Regular exercise can help improve cardiovascular health, maintain bone density, enhance flexibility, manage weight, and boost...

Get Your Happy On at 50+

Get Your Happy On at 50+

When life throws you lemons mindset is everything. At 58 life has shown me that even when you are moving in a positive direction the universe can send you a curve ball. But that doesn't mean it is world-is-ending, just-can't-go-on affairs. Yes there is stress, anxiety...

It’s All About Attitude

It’s All About Attitude

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference.” Winston Churchill I don't know about you but there is something that shifted in me in turning 50-and that was my attitude! I committed myself to living a bolder life, a live life to its fullest attitude....

Why we are prone to falls as we age

Why we are prone to falls as we age

There isn't a specific reason why women "fall" after age 50. However, there are certain factors that can contribute to an increased risk of falls as people age, including both biological and environmental factors. In this post I will share some of the changes I have...

Things Women Over 50 Should Know

Things Women Over 50 Should Know

I had so much fun writing this post! I am a work in progress and some of the items listed are TBD-to be done.. As a former people pleaser I have a difficult time saying no and I can spend days languishing over whether I hurt someones feelings. But saying no still made...

Practice Acts of Kindness it’s Free!

Practice Acts of Kindness it’s Free!

Yesterday I was reminded of how easy it is to judge or make assumptions about people. I have a colleague, really more of a friend of a friend, and  I have noticed how incredibly short and very negative in her comments and responses to others she can be. Almost rude in...

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karen viewing Mt. Tam from an infinity pool