Staying fit and engaging in physical activities are important for women over 50 to maintain overall health, well-being, and independence. Regular exercise can help improve cardiovascular health, maintain bone density, enhance flexibility, manage weight, and boost mood.

I am fortunate in that I have always loved exercise in many forms and I have a dog that gives me no option but to go on walks every day. I believe this has helped me to maintain a healthy weight and quite honestly it is my therapy.

It’s never too late to get active: start small, slowly build your strength, create a routine that works for you and done daily you will find success!

Consult with a healthcare professional: Before starting any new exercise regimen, it’s essential to consult with your doctor or a healthcare professional to ensure that you don’t have any underlying health conditions that may limit certain activities.

Cardiovascular exercises: Engage in activities that get your heart rate up-walking, swimming, cycling, or dancing-yes please. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity.

Strength training: Include resistance exercises in your routine to maintain muscle mass and bone density. You can use resistance bands, dumbbells, or bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups. Aim for two to three strength-training sessions per week-I do this while talking on the phone. Multi tasking:))

Flexibility and balance exercises-oh my goodness yes! In menopause I had a few falls, once I started practicing my balance daily I have had zero falls. It can be as simple as balancing on one leg and lifting the other-in front, to the side and behind you. I do this throughout the day. Or take a class such as yoga, tai chi, or Pilates.

Stay active throughout the day: Look for opportunities to move more in your daily life. Take short walks during breaks, use the stairs instead of elevators, and engage in household chores that require physical effort.

Listen to your body: As we age, recovery may take longer, so pay attention to how your body responds to exercise. If you experience pain or discomfort, modify the intensity or type of exercise and consider taking rest days.

Make it enjoyable: Choose activities you enjoy, as this will increase the likelihood of sticking to your fitness routine long-term. It could be anything from gardening to dancing to playing a sport.

Remember, it’s never too late to start being physically active and improve your fitness, 50, 60 and beyond. Always start at a comfortable level and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as your body adapts. Be consistent, patient, and enjoy the journey to a healthier and fitter you!




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