There are so many symptoms of menopause: hot flashes, weight gain, memory loss, body odor, sleepless nights, mood changes… Your story may not be like mine but whatever you are currently struggling with I can guarantee it will change it will get better.

I was recently out with a group of friends and one of the women, new to the group, shared how menopause was affecting her life. And let me stop right here and say woot woot ladies and cheers to no longer being ashamed to talk about this. Clearly she was suffering and felt safe in our group of supportive and slightly older women to be vulnerable and perhaps to even ask for a little advice.

If you follow me you may remeber that my main symptoms were major hot flashes which lead to sleepless nights which lead to memory loss. When I was in the worst part of my symptoms I actually became fearful of my future. How can I grow old not able to retain anything or learn new tasks. I would read a book and not remember the story line-I mean nada. I was training on a new computer system and my goodness without notes I never would have survived. But now I am on the other side of it and I only wish I knew then that all those symptoms would pass.

Side note: I chose not to take any medications. But in looking back I honestly do not think that was the wisest decision. I do recommend consulting a health care practitioner for your menopausal symptoms. I am not a therapist or coach and the advice I provide in my articles is my personal journey at 50+ it is not meant to replace professional care providers.

My new friend’s story: She is suffering from emotional disconnection (my words not hers). She has a loving husband (and supportive) but she was no longer sure she wanted to stay in their marriage. She still loves him, she still respects him, they are still friends but she is emotionally confused about what she wants from the relationship in her future. And that is when this article came to me and my mention of support for what she is going through: “your menopausal today is not your menopausal future. Please do not make any long term decisions until you meet with a medical professional. Six months from now or maybe a year+ from now you will be looking at life in a different way; as your menopausal symptoms change so will you. And be sure to keep an open communication with your husband to help him understand this part of your journey.”

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